Thursday, August 4, 2016

There is "Beauty" All Around

Once Upon a  Time . . .


 Close encounters of the river kind

 textured pattern

 life in death


From the Other Side

Symbol of Freedom

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

September 2014

 Are you serious?

 Little bit of fluff.

 Do I have to be up here?

Let me consider my options.

Summer of 2014

 Puppy in a Bag

She thinks I'm cute

Do I have to take a nap?

With this armor, I am unbeatable.

 Are you sure this water's sanitary? It looks questionable to me.

 Just try taking it.

 It's not working, again!

I'm sorry, did you want some?

A little to the left, please.
 Party time

 And they call it - puppy love

And then, he fell into the water